Roadmap to becoming front end web developer

As there are so many options, I find that trying to narrow your path helps. For instance, if you like or already know that you are going to work with Microsoft, you can focus on .NET and follow their tutorials.

JavaScript is another path, and it is quite everywhere these days. Here you start with some base concepts of pure JavaScript, then Learn about a framework (ReactJS is very popular lately, as pointed out in other answers), learn about how to implement HTML and CSS in the framework, and learn about how to deliver them (Gatsby, NextJS).

Either way you also need practice with some “tools of the craft”, namely Git, contributing code within a team and tools to deploy.

Most of my experience is with JavaScript, so I would list a roadmap more or less like this:

1. Basic JavaScript concepts. Before React, Vue or anything else it is adamant to get familiar with at least the most basic concepts of the language. You will need them! How do you write functions, how they return values, the different ways to define variables, what is NodeJS and so on.

2. ReactJS. React is more and more popular these days, and it is getting better. The fantastic team behind it keeps improving the framework and making it more powerful and cool (if you ask me). If you don’t have a specific reason to choose another framework, React would be a safe bet.

3. JSX. You have to understand how to use JavaScript in the framework. JSX is one option.

4. Less, Sass or CSS-in-JS. CSS is one of the most important parts of a web developer job.

5. Some practice maintaining and sharing a code base. This is indispensable not only in the JavaScript path, but in any direction you decide to go.

6. Learn how to use Create-React-App, Gatsby or Next. This would be an “advanced” topic. It involves SEO, marketing and what kind of product you are creating. JavaScript keeps changing, and this is one of the latest fronts. Very exciting stuff!

Stay close, I will be soon writing more on the subject.

October 29, 2019.