New course: learn best practices of web development in a team

Web development never ceases to evolve. New languages, frameworks, solutions, tools coming up every week. You have to be a super hero to keep up.

But knowing web development is not enough. You also have to know how to work with it. The tools and methods you need to be able to put all pieces together, all frameworks, languages and code, and create a product. How do you collaborate with a team.

When applying for a web developer job, no matter your background, you will be expected to integrate the workflow, contribute to the team, improve productivity.

The knowledge of good practices means you are a facilitator, an opportunity to increase the performance of the whole team.

What it takes to code in a team

Which Git strategy do you use? How do you create your branches? Do you fork your code or do you use Gitflow? Do all team members merge to master? Who and how do you solve merge conflicts?

Do you have meetings before deploying into production? Do you use continuous integration? How does it work if a team member is remote?

How do you track work? Are you on Kanban, Agile, both? Do you have a project manager or only a team leader?

And the thing with developers is that every single one of them has a preference over how to do these things. And their way is always the best way. So how do they work on a team? Each one does things their way, and all hope for the best? What do you think happens when the product is to be presented to the client?

The best practices on code sharing

Yet, many teams do it. They develop a series of practices commonly used throughout the company that protect the final product. It is a process built to guarantee quality, to avoid mistakes and to quickly sort problems out.

It happens when a team agrees on a workflow, when all members know how it works, and everybody respects it. In the work of a web developer, knowing how to work on a team is fundamental, is indispensable.

An opportunity to work with a real team

The course Team Coding is about that. This is a real world exercise built with the tools companies are using around the world to create web products.

Get allocated into a team. You will have a code base to work with, a repository, a Kanban board and a Slack channel.

You will create branches, commit changes, create pull requests, merge and deploy.

Everything live, monitored by me. I will be part of your team. I will be in your Slack channel. I will review your pull requests.

Everything is 100% remote. Participate from home, as you would do in a real remote team. Work at your pace, as much as you can. The goal is not to create a product, it is to learn how to code in a modern development team. You do it for as long as it takes for you to get used to the tools.

Make mistakes. Learn from them. Gain experience developing software with a team.

Take your place into this exciting opportunity. Limited availability.

Subscribe now.

October 31, 2019.